
Run: 3 miles at 6.0 mph, 6.3 mph, 6.5 mph for each mile

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 28:50

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     It's good to be back! Man, my legs were some kind of good sore all day yesterday. It was a very nice reminder of my return to some outdoor road running from the day prior. I'm not sure if it was because I was out on the pavement, or if I just got back to a little bit more distance than I have been pulling on the treadmill, but I definitely got the sense yesterday that I had been on a legit run the day prior.

     This morning I was back on the treadmill. I actually was still a little stiff from yesterday, but wanted to give a good showing. I figured that this little jog would be a little bit more painful, but all the worth it to get to the other side. All bets were true. I did have a pretty good stitch in my right ribs for about a mile, which is a funny concept in and of itself. That is one little mystery of the human body that this doctor has yet to figure out. My guess is that there is something with hypoxia to the expanding rib cage, but it's just so inconsistent. I'll look it up, and let you all know if I figure this one out.

     But sitting here with my cup of coffee, I am sure glad that I pushed myself a little bit harder this morning. I expect to have most of my post-run stiffness out of my legs after todays 3 miles, and if I can get in one more good run this week, that's gonna be a trend, and I think that we are back on track. With winter upon us, I am sure that motivation will be tough, but this feels like the post-half marathon tendonitis (which really wasn't a problem this morning) and strep throat is behind us, and now it's back to business.