
Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )



Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     So I woke up this morning to the snow plow coming back around again. I thought this was interesting because it seemed that he had gotten most of the snow off the road by late afternoon yesterday. My snowblower is mostly on the fritz, so I ended up shoveling my driveway twice, and getting it to work for another go around, especially around the mailbox. When I heard the scrape of the plow on my street at 4:30AM, I thought, "great more snow to have to shovel back off the end of the driveway."

     I knew that no way I was running outside with all this snow piled up everyone, so off again it was to the gym. The good news was, the gym would be open. I think that this snow and cold really is getting to everyone, because now they shut down everything for any amount of snow. I mean we did get about 8 - 10 inches over the past 2 days, but c'mon, no gym on the weekend is sad! When I got out of my car to shovel up the little pile the plow had pushed onto my driveway, I thought, "boy it's cold out here!" And sure enough, minus 9 degrees - yikes.

     It was beautifully clear, and a great crescent moon rising from the east. Unfortunately, I can think of no possible way to actually 'run' on these streets, and with the winds howling, the wind chill has to be even worse! So back to the gym, and my trusty treadmill for me. We've had some good blog posts over the weekend about the ups and downs of treadmill running, and we've be talking about this all winter. But this morning, I'm telling you, it's the only way to get in a decent run around here.

     The funny thing about dialing into a run like this, is that you get the exact same run. I ran this 3 miles in 27:45, exactly the same as my last 3 mile treadmill post. I do have to say, my right hamstring may feel a little different about it, but the rest is mostly the same. I'm sure there is something to say for consistency, but as a nice blogger put it on Google+ this past weekend, if you are going to run in road races, it's the variation in hill, pitch and terrain that helps you get to the finish line all the faster.

     So today we make due. Another 2-4 inches is predicted for tomorrow. I'm ready for some spring, but we are going to have to get through this chill first. For now, I'll be happy that my gym is open, the power to the treadmill is working, and I can keep up a decent little persistent pace.