
Treadmill - Jog

Run: 30 minutes at 6 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 30:04

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:     .5

Gut:   ★ ★


Mind:     .5

Overall:      .5

Soundtrack: Pandora, The Crystal Method Radio 

A perfect day to try to get back on track - 35 degrees, rainy ,dark... So, it's a good thing that I had pretty much planned on running on the treadmill at the gym. This turned out to be a wise decision, and probably the treadmill is going to be the mainstay of my runs for the next few months.

If you have read several of my previous blog posts, you will find that I am a little nervous about getting back onto the treadmill. While I have been battling colds and such these past few weeks, it was just over a year ago that I pulled my left hamstring on the treadmill getting ready to smoke the Thanksgiving Day Manchester Road Race. But, the smarter, wiser me knows that these next few runs up to the race need to be slow and steady, and there is also a limit to how fast I am ever going to run on the treadmill. It's better to be able to run at a jog all winter long, rather than blow it all trying to get faster for the spring.

As planned, today's jog was pretty chill. New treadmills at the gym this year gave me a little trouble getting things started today, but I don't have an M.D. for nothing, and I was able to figure it out. About halfway through the run, I thought I could kick it up a notch, but I stuck to my chilled-approach goals, and stayed at a very comfortable pace.

So I already have a new approach to the upcoming MCRR as well - just enjoy it. I'm clearly out of training, and won't get back in time for the next two weeks. There are something like 18,000 people who run the race, so a PR is nearly impossible. And, the original reason I started running this Turkey Trot years ago was because, it's fun!

So here's to a winter of treadmill runs, and taking it easy. I'll try to change things up a little for the readers. And here's to getting back to running, and to the sport I love. See you all soon.