Run: 2 miles at 6.4 miles per hour
Distance: 2.0 miles
Time: 18:44
Performance Stats (out of 5 ★)
Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★
Gut: ★ ★ ★ ★
Energy ★ ★
Mind: ★ ★ .5
Overall: ★ ★ ★
Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora
Welcome to San Francisco! This was my first time to the city, and I was pretty excited to check things out. We had our annual conference in San Fran this year, and it is a great location for the conference. Like a lot of my work trips, I was hoping to get a run in. I just love to get a little map of my run in each new city, and get a picture off my phone of where I had run.
Turns out, San Francisco is a little scary for the novice - at least where I was staying. It's very much a city - so it's pretty packed in. You can say the same for New Orleans, Las Vegas and Kansas City (some of my more recent travel runs). But here in San Fran they also have some weird traffic patterns to go with the trollies. I actually found it pretty hard to drive around here with the different lanes and all.
So one thing, I wasn't able to find my bearings. Second, there was a fair amount of construction going on where I was staying, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get in much "running" without some pretty regular stop and go's. Lastly, there are a good amount of folks spending the nights on the streets. I have to say that the homeless of San Fran are quite kind and interesting - I did get to chat up a few folks throughout my stay. But with a possible 4:30 AM run, I just wasn't comfortable being out on the streets of a city that was brand new to me.
Instead I made my way down to the gym. I was due for some weight training as well, so I thought that I could get both in. I was expecting: 1) a tiny gym, and 2) a packed gym, but what I found instead was an amazing gym with just one other person in it. Check this photo out:
Pretty sweet gym at the Parc 55 hotel in San Francisco
I was so excited for the weights and machines, that I actually spent way too long over there and only was able to get in a two mile run. Even the treadmills were pretty awesome (check out the photo that is the header for this post). The run was good, and a little part of me started thinking - you know, after all of this bad mouthing of the treadmill all winter, I'm having a tough time transitioning back to road running. And so all in all, this may be the truth of the matter - I may be having a hard time giving up the treadmill :) !!!
Well, I hear the weather in Connecticut is warming up. I'll try to get in a few more runs out here in San Fran. We do have our Bill Lander's 5K coming up next weekend, so I'll have to get ready for that. But at some point, I do need to get back on the roads, and wean off of these treadmills. The spring is here, and we've got some hills and tempo runs to do!