Run: The plan was for about 30 minutes of running along the surf
Distance: 3.2 miles
Time: 32:08
Performance Stats (out of 5 ★)
Legs: ★ ★ ★ .5
Gut: ★ ★ ★ ★
Energy ★ ★ ★ ★
Mind: ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall: ★ ★ ★ ★
Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible
I woke up a little sore this morning, but I did need to get in 2 runs during this "work week", and it was looking like another great day for a beach run. Today we came out to Sea Gull Beach, which is right in West Yarmouth, MA. This place was amazing.
A beach-side condo with a little add-on LIGHTHOUSE!
The beach was a lot more sandy than yesterday, and still had calm waters for the kids. For me, the sand was a lot more even and packed down by the surf, so it was a lot less challenging to run on. I ended up running through several areas with "Private Property" signs. I figured no one was going to mind the kind beach-running stranger, and most of these folks were probably renting their friends' properties. So I cruised on by with a smile and a wave until I hit the Bird Conservation Area.
You gotta draw the line somewhere. I was not going to run through the Bird Conservatory.
I guess it's one thing to not disturb the sun-worshipers, it's another thing to blow up some protected wildlife ground. So even though I was only about a 0.75 miles out, I turned it around to explore the opposite end of the beach. After racing past my starting point, and saying hi to the family again, I came across my next barrier - the bay inlet.
No getting past this waterway. Time to change course again.
No way I was making it across this chasm. So change of course again. I noticed that along the drive in to the beach there was a beautiful marsh bay right where this inlet opened up into. I decided to head along this little trail until I found it. I figured there would be some great trail running back there, and the view would be spectacular.
A beautiful sand marsh bay... unfortunately, also protected!
The view was great, but unfortunately (and fortunately, I suppose) the whole area was also protected. So, change of plans again. I guess that I did want to get some road running in this week, so I made my way to the road that we had taken into the beach area. I was about 2/3's done with the run anyway, and I knew that the road would be pretty much free-reign for running. Turns out, this was a pretty nice view as well.
Not my usual road run. Nice view from the road of the marsh bay.
I made my way to what looked like a good turn around point, and then headed back to the beach. All in all, a little bit of everything in this run. This is one of the great parts of running in uncharted territory. It's always great to explore, but you have to be up for making the most of the course that you can get. Happy legs and happy soul is all that matters. There will be plenty of time next week for 4:30 AM tempo runs and hills!
Hot and sweaty after an interesting beach-trail-road run!
And, in case you are interested, here is the location if you'd like to repeat today's experiences:
Sea Gull Beach, West Yarmouth, MA.
Stay sandy, friends. See you again soon, Cape Cod!
CMM - The Running Obstetrician, July 24, 2015